Youth Pastor
Steph is the Youth Pastor at West End Worship Centre in Toronto, passionate about discipling young people through biblical teaching, mentorship, and creative communication. He is also an author of youth ministry curricula and actively serves in both church and community settings to make Jesus known.
Stephan Wright is a follower of Jesus with a heart for discipling the next generation. He serves as the Youth Pastor at West End Worship Centre in Toronto, Ontario, where he is dedicated to helping teenagers and young adults grow in their faith and live out their calling as Christ-followers.
Steph is happily married to his wife, Wendy, and together they strive to live a gospel-centred life. Having surrendered his life to Christ at a young age, he is passionate about seeing young people grasp the truth of the gospel and develop a deep, personal relationship with God. His ministry extends beyond the walls of the church, as he actively engages with youth in schools, mentorship programs, and community initiatives, striving to bring the love of Jesus to those who need it most.
Before stepping into full-time ministry, Steph was involved in Christian hip-hop, using his God-given gift of lyricism to share the gospel through music and spoken word poetry. His talents have led him to perform at concerts, outreach events, television programs, schools, and youth camps. While his stage presence has shifted, his love for creative communication remains a vital part of his ministry.
In addition to pastoring, Steph is an author of youth ministry curricula, equipping other leaders with biblically rooted resources to help students grow in their faith. Whether through teaching, writing, or mentorship, his mission remains the same—pointing young people to Jesus.
back to team membersThis message is about the power and purpose of prayer as a vital connection to God. In Luke 11 and Matthew 6, Jesus teaches His disciples a model for prayer, showing how to address God and grow in communion and connection with Him. Believers are encouraged to approach God humbly, seek His provision, pardon, and protection, and prioritize a close, consistent relationship with Him through prayer.
This message is about the need for Christians to resist the world’s influence and stand firm in their faith, encouraging believers to reject worldly temptations and focus on daily surrender and devotion to God. Just as salmon swim upstream, believers are called to 'go against the grain' of worldly culture.
This sermon message is about the role of Christians as salt and light in the world, emphasizing the importance of glorifying God through good works and faithful living. It explores themes of spiritual warfare, being representatives of Christ, and trusting in God's power and protection.
A West End Worship Centre live stream service: Sermon Title: Resist The Roar
Explore the challenge of hypocrisy among Christians and the importance of aligning our private and public lives. Using the iceberg metaphor, the sermon delves into the deep parts of our character that remain hidden and how they should reflect our Christian values. Discover how God’s grace helps us reconcile our inner and outer selves, empowering us to live authentically in His image.
This sermon explores the theme of 'Faith Over Feelings.' It highlights the importance of living a life based on faith rather than emotions. The message emphasizes that, despite our natural tendencies towards fear and doubt, prioritizing faith in God can help us navigate life's challenges. We are encouraged to trust in God's guidance and sovereignty, even if we have the smallest measure of faith in our spiritual walk.
A West End Worship Centre live stream service: Sermon Title: Grasp The Grace of God
A West End Worship Centre live stream service: Sermon - The Prophecy of the Reconciling Messiah from our Advent series
A West End Worship Centre live stream service: Sermon - An Encounter With Jesus
Join us on this journey of transformation and embrace the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. Dive into Jesus' promise of the Helper and learn about the Holy Spirit's role in guiding us into truth and glorifying Jesus. Explore the ways we can resist and grieve the Holy Spirit, hindering our relationship with God and others. Find victory over sin and experience the freedom that comes from partnering with the Holy Spirit.
In this week's sermon, we explore the question, "Is living like a Christian easy in this world?" We delve into the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer and how He empowers and guides us to live according to God's will.
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Good Glorious Gospel
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: - God's Word is Essential For The Christian Life By Stephan Wright From the sermon series Essentials For The Christian Faith
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: The Greatest Commandment By Stephan Wright
The greatest commandment is to love God with all we have and to love others as ourselves. However, unforgiveness hinders followers of Jesus in their Christian walk as they live to fulfil the greatest commandment.
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Changed By Prayer By Stephan Wright
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Our Response to God’s Generosity By Stephan Wright
God sent his son Jesus to earth to live his life on Mission to seek and save the lost.
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Whatever You Do For Jesus by Stephan Wright
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Growing in His Word by Stephan Wright from the sermon series Flourish
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Hindrances to Spiritual Growth by Stephan Wright from the sermon series Flourish
Sermon: Flourish | Growing in God by Stephan Wright from the sermon series Flourish
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Who Is Jesus and What’s So Good About Friday? by Pastor Steph
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Renewed Soul by Pastor Steph
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Renewed Heart by Pastor Steph
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Prayer When God Seems Distant by Pastor Steph
Sermon: Living A Gospel Life - Philippians 3:17- Philippians 4:3 by Pastor Steph from our sermon series in the Book of Philippians
Living as Light | Philippians 2:12-18 by Pastor Steph from our sermon series in the Book of Philippians
Philippians 1:19-26 | To Live Is Christ by Pastor Steph from our sermon series in the Book of Philippians
Thank God for the church that’s joined together for the Gospel
A West End Worship Centre live stream service. Sermon: Remember, God is Good by Pastor Steph
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: God is… Our Comforter by Pastor Steph
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: God Is...Our Provider by Stephan Wright from the series God Is...
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: God Is...Creator by Stephan Wright from the series God Is...
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: God Is...Gracious by Pastor Steph from the series God Is...
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Father, Our Eyes Are On You by Pastor Steph from the series Our Eyes Are On You
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: God With Us by Pastor Steph
A West End Worship Centre live stream serviceSermon: A Pursuing Passion Devotion by Pastor Steph from the series Passion For God
A West End Worship Centre live stream service Sermon: Be Ready by Pastor Steph from the series “Jesus, Coming Soon”
Sermon: “Tear It Out, Cut It Off” by Pastor Steph From the series The Hard Sayings of Jesus
Journey of Faith | A Living Faith. Faith is not just an idea, thought or emotion, it is a Journey to know God
Wind, Waves and What in The World is Going On? Our world is in chaos, we need Jesus.
The church is a family that can get messy when we don’t operate the way God had intended and designed, we desire to not be a messy church but a healthy church family.
A message for all the single men, women and widows on how to live out the purpose of God in your single years.